Millennials include any individuals born between 1981 and 1996. If you decide these people are in your target audience, the next step is to cater to this age bracket. But how do you accomplish this? At Awesome Website Guys, we offer affordable website design to appeal to this particular group. And we can give you a few other tips about catering to millennials as well.


Have a Website That Runs Quickly 

Think about it. This group is between 25 and 40 years old as of now. Most of them have careers and/or families. They don’t have time to wait for a slow website to load. It also helps to have a mobile-friendly site because a majority of these individuals are going to use the Internet to find a site, and they have little time to waste. 

Bear in mind that many of your millennials remember when dial-up was the only way to connect to the Internet. They were there when digital subscriber lines (DSL) and cable connections were gaining popularity. This age bracket has witnessed just how far the Internet has come. And guess what? They don’t want to go back. So, you have to create a site that loads quickly to keep them interested and remaining on your page. 


Have Social Media Pages

Social media can attract millennials and keep them engaged. It may even convert them from a browser to a customer or client. 

Keep in mind that statistics indicate that 86 percent of millennials are using social media daily. Although some of them might have started on MySpace, they’re the first generation to have social media. Most of these people are using it to stay up to date with friends and family, but that doesn’t mean you can’t lure them to your site. 

Therefore, if you’re looking to find millennials, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are good places to start when it comes to tailoring your marketing plan. 


Include Reviews and Testimonials 

This generation wants the truth. Much of them value quality over quantity. For this reason, it helps to include reviews and testimonials on your site. Millennials will then have some feedback to help them decide which practitioner, product, brand, etc. is right for them. Rather than hiring a writer or creating the reviews and testimonials yourself just to say you have these elements on your page, ask past clients or customers to provide you with a true review for your site. 


Must Be User Friendly 

As mentioned, this age group is busy. They’re not just getting their feet wet anymore; they’re fully submerged and going full speed ahead. They don’t have time to search everywhere on your site for your phone number, and they certainly don’t want to spend more than two minutes on your site trying to find out your core values or how to access your contact page. All of this relates to the user-friendliness of your site. This is where we can create a site or update your page to be easy to navigate. 


Create Shareable Content 

Millennials long for content that provides value in mediums such as blogs or videos. Not only will they read or view it, but they’ll share it with others, which can also be good for your business. 

As a result, when you’re targeting millennials, do more than have a plain website that states what your business is and does. 

Awesome Website Guys is here to help you target millennials through our affordable website design and other services. As a whole, this group isn’t necessarily the most tech-savvy of all the generations, but they are on the web a great deal and can be found scrolling through their newsfeed. And they’re certainly a group that wants it all — quality, speed, and easy access. 

If you’d like to know more about our services or want to see how we can help you target your ideal market, contact us at 910-335-4348 or by using our online form.