An estimated 3.96 billion people use social media around the world. To say the least, social media has become an essential way for people to connect with loved ones, meet new people, join groups, share and consume information, and follow their favorite brands. As businesses, one of the best ways to reach new and existing customers is through social media platforms. Since the digital market is constantly evolving and becoming more competitive, it’s important to find effective ways to set your business apart through engaging, useful content. Keep reading to discover our top tips for writing awesome social media content for your brand.

1. Conduct User Research

With nearly 4 billion social media users, it’s unrealistic to produce social media content that appeals to everyone. Businesses must take the time to research their target audience. This is the group of people that are interested in your niche products and services and will be most likely to view your content. You can find out information, such as demographics (i.e. age, gender, location) and social media interests (what brands do they follow and content they interact with).

By truly understanding your audience, you will have valuable information that can help you craft relevant social media posts for this group. Once you understand your target audience on a deeper level, you can write content that addresses their wants, needs, and challenges. Additionally, you can use this opportunity to solve their problems with your products and services, along with providing educational content.

2. Establish Your Brand’s Voice

Your brand’s voice refers to the personality and emotion used in your content, including everything from social posts to live stories and videos to online ads. The language and tone you use is a key ingredient when creating social media content. Your audience will pick up on your brand’s writing style and voice, so it’s important to stay consistent. Indeed, keeping your voice consistent will help you establish an authentic connection with your followers and build trust and brand recognition. Once your readers are engaged with your brand, you are one step closer to gaining new customers that want to buy your products and services. 

3. Keep It Short and Sweet

When it comes to online users, it’s best to use a short and sweet approach to social media content. Your target audience will appreciate you making content easy to read and scan. This shows that you respect and value your audiences’ time. 

Tips for Keeping Content Short and Sweet:

  • Use the active voice when possible
  • Use headings, bullets, and lists to break up your content into manageable chunks
  • Write short paragraphs (two or three sentences long)
  • Write clearly and use examples to help readers connect with your content

4. Add Visuals
Since visuals bring text to life, it’s important to regularly include them in your social media strategy. Your readers are more likely to connect with your content much quicker when you include visuals like images, graphics, and videos. Depending on the topic, you can use videos to convey certain emotional messages to your target audience. These subtle messages will encourage your readers to relate to your brand and understand who you are as a company beyond just a seller of goods and services. 

Indeed, today’s population cares more about how companies are solving the world’s problems. Thus, always remember to share your brand’s missions to make the world a more awesome place. If you want to share a glimpse of your team, you can publish live stories via social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This is a fun way for followers to get to know your team, values, and what makes you unique.

5. Add Call-To-Actions (CTA)  

At the end of your social media content, it’s a good idea to include a strategic call-to-action. Even if your target audience enjoyed your content and found it useful, if you don’t provide an action step for them, they are not likely to check out your brand. 

There are a wide range of CTAs with different purposes. CTAs are an excellent approach to encourage your followers to engage with your brand.

Tips for Adding CTAs:

  • Ask followers to answer a question in the comments below
  • Ask them to like or share your latest social posts (i.e. for a giveaway)
  • Ask them to follow your other social media channels
  • Ask them for input regarding content suggestions (i.e. What would you like to learn about next month?)
  • Encourage them to subscribe to your monthly newsletter
  • Share a link to a recent blog post
  • Share a link to your website

As you can see, there are several tips to write awesome social media content for your followers. If you are currently using social media to regularly post content, this is a great first step. We hope these tips help you better understand your target audience. In turn, this will craft more relevant content that your followers will find useful and informative. Contact the WordPress experts at Awesome Website Guys for all of your digital needs from content creation to website design and much more.